Saturday, August 30, 2008

The RIGHT SWING is the best start!

Since GOLF is a game of strokes , sending the ball as far as possible when you swing is the way to go. Hitting the ball far and accurately is the advantage to work towards to.When you are a beginner don't don't restirct yourself to a small swing as there won't be room for improvement in your game. Golfers starting off with full swings have progressed rapidly in their game and skill . Learning the right technique requires perseverance. Improvement comes only with practice.To take a full swing , you must make a full body turn.If you learn to avoid unnecessary body movements you improve your swing significantly.Don't worry if you are not hitting the ball accurately.SWING confidently and without hesitation.Control comes through continous practice.

Friday, August 29, 2008


The grip connects the club to your body.It transfers the power of your swing , the rush of force , to the clubhead.Figure 1 - the overlap grip - is the most popular among golfers. Experiment with all the 3 grips and decide which is the best for you.Remember the grip must i] enable you to swing smoothly ans ii] give you a feel that your hands are fully connected to the club , firm and hands and club are working together as a unit. Fig 1 - the OVERLAP grip / Fig.2 - the INTERLOCK grip / Fig. 3 -
the 10 FINGER grip .

Thursday, August 28, 2008

' Plumb Bob ' - Aiming Your Full Shots

Get behind the ball as you would a putt and dangle the club vertically.

SIGHT through the club and ball to your target.

Establish a series of way points along this ball-target line to improve your aim.

Example , you might pick out a divot , the edge of a bunker or a large tree in the background.

Visualise the ' aiming points' as the base of a wall running from your ball to the target.

If you slice the ball , start the ball left of the wall.

If you draw it aim right of the wall.

You can PRACTISE this technique at the Driving Range .

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Correct Width Or Stance

Each person is different in figure and personal strength.Another important thing to remember besides the width of your stance is the degree of bending your upper body.You will need to bend the body to see the ball but at the same time you 'll have to remember that you will have to twist your body to swing the club.When you bow your head remember to keep your back straightened from your waist upwards.Refer to the diagram above.You will have to adjust your stance to suit your own physical conditions.As you use golf clubs with a higher number,your stance shoud be narrower - the following may help:

The DRIVER SHOT - Find the width between your two feet when you are walking fast. This width should be suitable for hitting the ball far as it is the same as when as when you see your body movement fully when you walk fast.

The APPROACH SHOT - Find the width between your feet when you walk slowly.With this widthyou should feel very relaxed.This is good for the delicate movement required for the shot approach shot.